Geotab & Fuel Tax Credits
Did you know you could be missing out on thousands of dollars in Fuel tax credits (FTC)?
Yes, you read that correctly.
Most businesses in transport would know that businesses that utilise machinery, plant & equipment, heavy vehicles, and light vehicles travelling off public roads or on private roads can claim a credit for the fuel tax included in the cost of fuel for these vehicles. What you may not know is that fuel tax credits are calculated at different rates for public and non public roads. This means if your fleet works primarily on non-public roads, you could be claiming a much higher rate of FTC.
Leading Edge Innovations Geotab’s FTC integration catalogues and collects the data you need automatically to prove and claim your fleets FTC. It then calculates your FTC by using advanced GPS analytics combined with telematic data.
It gets better.
If you are already utilising Geotab telematics, by activating the FTC integration, the telematic data you already have on file can be utilised to back claim up to four years of incorrectly calculated FTC. This could be the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Get in contact with our team today to learn more about what you could be missing out on by asking us about the FTC Integration for Geotab.
Important disclaimer for readers:
Leading Edge Innovations are in no way qualified to advise on tax claims and take no responsibility for incorrectly lodged claims. We instead refer you to the ATO website for more detailed information and to check your business activities eligibility.